Sunday, November 4, 2007

Veronica is happy in London

Hi guys!
Yippie, yippie we had a real bed in the Radisson last night. I slept great (except for ray who kept waking up every half hour to check his watch...he didn't think the hotel wake up call would did).
We flew in on icky air yesterday and it wasn't as bad as the flight over from London. I guess it's all in the expectation level, I had none after the crap flight over to Pisa. Ryan Air on the return from Italy is such a different experience. I don’t know if it is because Pisa is a smaller airport or if the Italians are just happier and more people oriented. Maybe a siesta is in order for the Stansted staff.
Check in was allowed well in advance and the lines were shorter due to the amount of time allowed for the process.
The Pisa airport security is a bit slow, but compared to LAX who can complain about airport security and their staff. A pleasant flight attendant directed “The Giraffe” to the emergency exit row so I’m happy, no eating my knees on this flight. Outside of a screaming child in my ear for most of the flight the flight was ok for a cheap-o-air.
So, we're off this morning to MaxJet and I've set my expectations high for them, let's hope they hold up.


Anonymous said...

Hi Veronica & Ray:
What day are you coming home?
I am going to San Franciso on 11/7/07 for training at my new job. Let me know when we can get together. i want to hear all about yourtrip.
Have a safe flight.
Lorri and Russ

Anonymous said...

When do you guys get into LAX???

-Mike & Steph

Country Squire said...

I think you both need to seriously consider reworking and expanding your blog. May I offer the new title for your consideration -

"Where In The World Are Ray And Veronica?".

You could have a rotating globe (like The Daily Planet from Superman) with little flashing dots showing were you've been during the last month or so and maybe a different color for where you're going to be ....

It's still in the developmental stages I'll admit - but give it some thought.